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18Kg in Just 40 Days

It’s funny how you never realise you’re putting on weight until boom it’s there and too late. I mean I knew I had put on some kgs, unconsciously started wearing baggy clothes all the time but honestly couldn’t see or didn’t realise just how much until I finally decided to weigh myself.

 I had always fluctuated between 70 and 75 but wanted to stay at 70. Anyway, the day finally comes and weighed myself and to my disgust!

I had somehow let myself get to 86 kgs!! I had to do something about it but didn’t know what.

My friend told me about HCG drops and how her husband had done it and dropped 20 kilos in 40 days and kept it off, as you could imagine I was very sceptical but she showed me photos. They were taken straight from her phone, and I had met her husband in person, so I knew it had to be real. I ordered my kit and it literally came that next morning I was shocked but took it as a sign that I had to do it ! My goal was to lose 16 kilos and get back to 70. I was strict and disciplined throughout.

I weighed myself every day and couldn’t believe my eyes how fast I was dropping the weight! By the end of my 40 days, I had lost 2 more kilos than my goal amount and lost a whole 18 kilos!

From 86kgs to 68kgs!

Thank you so much HCG I’m finally feeling beautiful in my own skin again.

Cynamon Proud
Another Successfull HCG Client

 Looking to try the HCG Diet for yourself, call us on 0800 035 594 or email us here.

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