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What happens next?…
Very soon you will receive an email confirming your purchase. Once the payment has cleared another email will arrive stating that the order is now being shipped.
Items typically take 2-4 business days to arrive after the order date. If you have not received your item by then, please email us.
Below are some useful links the will help you reach you goal just that little bit easier.
Deals, Discounts, Advice & Success Stories
In the meantime please check out our Facebook Page where you will the best discounts, give aways, success stories from our clients, great HCG recipes, tips and more…
Community Support
If you are looking to connect with fellow HCG’ers around New Zealand then please visit our HCG Diet support group on Facebook. Its completely private and its a great way to ask questions and chat with those who are already doing the diet.
Private Facebook Community Support